WebNameHost Support Options

How Does WebNameHost Support You?

WebNameHost supports you with experience and knowhow. When we don't have the answers we get them quickly. We offer on the site a plethora of documentation, including a glossary of common terms, numerous specific how-to pages (see the menu above under "support") a FAQ of very common questions and answers, another of technical ones, and a large database of many questions and answers culled from our own experience and that of many others. We also offer a couple of pages of links to web tools of various kinds. In your cPanel control panel, you have access to additional documentation and examples.

What happens when things go wrong?

WebNameHost maintains contact information here and a help desk here. You can also message us through arjay.org, a parent site not on this server (so, write it down for emergencies). We can respond positively to most questions within 24 hours, and some much faster than that. That said, we get very few trouble tickets, as we run only well-secured boxes in the first place, and monitor our them for problems 24/7. Not only that, but your cPanel control panel allows you to do most site maintenance yourself without having to ask us.

What are WebNameHost's limitations?

WebNameHost does not offer IM, online chat help, or guarantee instant answers. We are closed on Sundays. If these are critical iussues for you, we suggest you find another host. However, none of them have been problems for our current customers thus far.

From Arjay Web Services division of Arjay Enterprises and affiliate of Arjay Books